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Congratulations to Peggy Smith, AG Brinley Award Winner

3 Mar 2025 6:29 PM | Anonymous

Peggy Central Park Garden

One of our most ardent Friends of the Central Park Gardens of Davis, Peggy Smith, received the City of Davis AG Brinley Award 2024 for her steadfast volunteer services and tireless work with Central Park Gardens for the past seventeen years. Since 1970, the City of Davis has presented the AG Brinley Award to recognize “outstanding service in a particular area, such as in the arts, education, or health, or in a major project that benefits the community of Davis.” As co-founder of Central Park Gardens of Davis, Peggy has served in many roles and has added to the success of the organization. Emily Griswold, Central Park Gardens of Davis Board President, tells us that “the beauty of Central Park Gardens that provides a welcoming place of peace, wellbeing, and inspiration to our community has only been possible through Peg’s devoted efforts.”

For those who may not know, Central Park Gardens of Davis is a demonstration garden adjacent to B Street in Davis, which community volunteers tend. The garden is separated into several distinctly themed “garden rooms” that visitors can stroll between. Themed gardens include Rose and Flower, Sensory, California Native, Meadow, Vegetables, Beneficial Insect Habitat, and Waterwise Gardens.   As a co-founder, member of the steering committee (2007-2016), board member (2017-present), and volunteer gardener, Peggy has participated and shown leadership in every major phase of the garden’s development, from building paths, fences, irrigation, and public art installation to tending to garden plantings. 

Beginning in 2006, Peggy served as the garden leader for the Central Park Gardens vegetable garden and beneficial insect borders. Peggy served as public education coordinator for the gardens from 2007 to 2020. In that role, she coordinated monthly UC Master Gardener led education sessions in the garden for the community, as well as open houses and plant sale events. Since 2021, as Volunteer Coordinator, Peggy has led biweekly volunteer sessions open to all. These sessions help to recruit and train volunteers.

In addition to her work with Central Park Gardens, Peggy has volunteered with the UC Master Gardeners of Yolo County program since 2006. When asked about Peggy, Master Gardener Program Coordinator Jennifer Baumbach said, “Peg is an amazing volunteer who is always looking to help. She has mentored trainees and enabled other Master Gardeners to become better presenters through her instruction and encouragement. Peg is a joy to have as a volunteer because she has many connections to the community both in Davis and within the Master Gardener Program. She’s a gem!”   As a member of the Public Education Committee, Peggy helped organize education coordinators for sites across Yolo County to strengthen programs and avoid duplication of efforts. Peggy has attended many field trips and provided photos for the organization’s newsletters and publications.

Beyond gardening, Peggy has volunteered for Davis Parent Nursery School as a parent volunteer and historian (1980s), Davis Free Clinic volunteer (1980s), and Frog Society Founder and President, a philanthropic group that bought textbooks for UC Davis medical residents. As Davis High School PTA president in the late 1990s, Peggy actively supported music programs and served on many committees, including the hiring committee for the music program director and planning committees for capital project improvements.

Local leaders have acknowledged Peggy’s cheerful, can-do volunteer spirit. Ann Evans, former Mayor of the City of Davis and former Yolo County Master Gardener, shares, “Peg Smith is a go-to source of information, energy, ideas, and enthusiasm. She has historical information, scientific information, and community information. She can teach anything and does with respect to gardens. Our community is indebted to the passionate, smart and strategic work of Peg and the partners she works with to create, teach, and foster more natural beauty through gardens in our civic landscape.”  Bob Bowen, 2021 Citizen of the Year, said, “Peg’s hard work on and steady commitment to the Central Parks Gardens is legendary and has made our town a more beautiful place.”  Randii MacNear, Davis Farmers Market Manager, says, “I have never met such a devoted volunteer - she serves as a community role model for volunteerism. She inspires all of us and brings joy to the garden. Even when facing the challenges that are part of managing a public space, she remains very humble and calm and resolution-centered.”

Expressing gratitude for receiving the award, Peggy also acknowledged the partnership of the volunteers and community collaboration. Peggy explained, “Our volunteers who work willingly in the heat of summer and the chill of winter energize my spirit. Our visitors give us the gift of their time to communicate thanks and tell us where they are from and what the garden means to them.”  Peggy also pointed out the efforts of prior awardees, “The historical impact of the efforts of these recipients has helped establish over time much of the essence of why people love Davis - a tradition of trying to contribute to make it better for all.”

Congratulations to Peggy Smith; we thank her for her enduring commitment to the Central Park Gardens of Davis and to the Davis community.

Come visit us in Davis Central Park, on B Street between Third and Fourth Streets in Downtown Davis. 


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